Order Same Day Flower Delivery in Horwich, Bolton
Horwich, Bolton

Event flowers by Flowersmiths

Flowersmiths Horwich Bolton we understand that your wedding day or civil partnership is your most special day, and that you want your flowers to be perfect.

Our talented and enthusiastic team will take the time to get to know you and to understand your ideas. We will help you through choosing the ideal flowers for you, from the bouquets and centrepieces right down to the tiny finishing details. We can, and do, provide flowers for any style and for any size of budget. We have previously provided flowers for venues such as Rivington Barn, Spring Cottage, Hoghton Towers, Ashfield House, The Inn at Whitewell and Bolton School, and for church weddings, civil ceremonies and civil partnerships.

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No matter whether the event is grand and lavish, or a simple and intimate day, we would love to be a part of it.

Please call Flowersmiths on 01204 697924 to book a free consultation or for any other enquiries.

Flowersmiths can deliver weddings all around the areas of Lancashire, Cheshire, Greater Manchester, Cumbria, Yorkshire, Merseyside and further by prior arrangement.

Wedding Enquiry Form