Designer's Choice Basket

The designers choice basket is a beautiful, seasonal selection of blooms arranged by one of our talented florists into a wooden trug basket.


Please note that the flowers pictured are a seasonal selection and will differ due to availability. Our florists will choose the flowers based on the varieties available on the day and the shades and flowers will vary. If you have any specific requests then please contact us directly on 01204 697924 or email


Deluxe size pictured. 


Flowers are guaranteed for 5 days (although often last much longer).  Please ensure that water is added every few days to the basket to ensure they are kept well hydrated. Place flowers in a cool place away from direct sunshine or radiators.


This item is available to order for delivery in the Horwich, Bolton and Chorley area.  Same day delivery available for orders placed up until 2pm.


Designer's Choice Basket

1. Choose price and size
2. What is the occasion?
3. What message would you like in the card?
Cards Accepted